Roundhouse Track Services, LLC

Roundhouse Track Services provides railroad and ground level track inspections for DOD facilities, industrial, short-line and museum railroads. Roundhouse also provides initial and refresher training classes for Railroad and Crane Track inspectors. All training classes meet the requirements of NAVFAC Instruction 11230.1F and UFC 4-860-3.

Greg Ramsey, the owner of Roundhouse Track Services, has over 20 years experience in the NAVFAC Trackage program and from 2007 to 2019 he was the Navy's Trackage SME, and has performed trackage inspection for all Navy and USMC railroads.

Roundhouse Track Services provides 3 standard off-the-shelf training classes:

On request, above classes can be customized to meet specialized needs of any facility or location.

Current schedule of classes include:

Payment for the above classes may be made by check or credit card.

To register for any of the scheduled classes or to request a class at your location send an email to Please include the name of the desired course, the requester, the student(s) names and email addresses and if required, the contact information for the person with the credit card.

Recently complete Courses


NAVFAC 11230.1F

UFC 4-860-03

Elevated Crane Trackage Student Handbook

Videos used in Training Classes

Army Experiments In Train Derailment & Sabotage – 1944

How It’s Made Train Rails

Overhead Crane Derailment

The Origin of Zatoichi's Sword (An Example of Sounding)

Zatoichi 15 - Cane Sword 1967 Full Movie (English Subtitles) The full movie the preceding clip was taken from

Roundhouse Track Services, LLC
440 Nirvana Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89110