Dave's Trains - Current Events

January 30

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NS 4605 leads 15T southbound at Shenadoah Junction, WV.


NS 4313 leads 25A southbound at the Junction.


Amtrak 326 leads P030 eastbound at Shen.



CSX 42 leads M405 eastbound through Shen with one of the first Howard Tunnel closure reroutes.

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CSX 5462 leads M277 westbound at Shen.


CSX 3354 leads M416 westbound at Shen.


NS 4658 leads 289 southbound at the Junction.



CSX 5428 leads I135 westbound at Shen with lots of 53 foot stacks ahead of the normal 40 footers.

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January 24


NS 7681 leads 25A southbound at Shenadoah Junction, WV.


CSX 3246 leads M217 westbound at Shen.


NS 1850 leads 289 southbound at the Junction.



CSX 3415 leads E781 westbound at Shen.

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CSX 965 leads I135 westbound at Shen.


Amtrak 335 leads a 4-hour late P030 eastbound through Shen.


EMD CSX 4569 leads M277 westbound at Shen.



NS 4573 leads 27A southbound at the Junction.

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January 17

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NS 4798 leads 25A southbound at Shenadoah Junction, WV.


CSX 40 leads I135 westbound at Shen.


Amtrak 327 leads P030 eastbound through Shen.



NS 4093 leads 16T north at the H22.

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CSX 738 leads M416 westbound at Shen.


CSX 716 leads L198 eastbound through Shen.


CSX 5377 leads M421 eastbound through Shen. At this time there were 4 trains approaching the Junction from 4 directions. CSX 421 and 422, along with NS 27A and 12R.



CSDX 5215 leads M422 west at Shen.

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RF&P follows on M422.


NS 27A goes southbound overhead while M422 goes under the bridge.

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January 13

cw` <

Red car speeds around the gates with P030 litteraly 100 feet away.


Amtrak 336 leads P030 eastbound at Shenadoah Junction, WV.


CSX 3464 leads M277 westbound at Shen.



NS 1171 leads 27A south at the H22.

> About 5 hour at the Junction, and only saw three trains. :-(


My photographs at Railpictures.net



XBNSF980.jpg (51552 bytes)                                                                                                                                                                  

NW 611              

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DMIR 409 (trailing)                           Miss Shirley                                    ATSF SD45 ABBA                       Juice train on NS

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CSX Xmas card                                NS ABA F9s                                   NS ABBA F9s                                 GM50

 XThomas1.jpg (18052 bytes)                     XCSX8782.jpg (16149 bytes)                   XGM70.jpg (40165 bytes)                  XNW611-1.jpg (36053 bytes)

Thomas w/o face                                SD60 smoking                                  GM70 Demo                                     NW 611                            

 XCSX6344.jpg (36598 bytes)                     XNW1218-1.jpg (36134 bytes)                   XPRR1223.jpg (37864 bytes)                   XSR4501-2.jpg (30877 bytes)

CSX Transportation                            NW 1218                                        PRR 1223 and 7002                        SR 4501

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SR 4501                                             Thomas                                             WMSR 734                                   WMSR 734

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NS bug spraying                                RF&P 123                                        Orange Blossom Special                    RF&P 145

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CSX on NS B-line                            GTW 90 & 31 Ford                             CSX 686 w/ juice                               RF&P 133 on Amtrak

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C&O 614                          Dash 9 fire                         SR FP7s                         WMSR 734                         NS ABB F92               

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B&O 3802 Trains unit        CSX 651 w/ K651         CSX on B-line                    CSX 70ACe                      MARC rainbow                 NW 1218

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CR 80MAC                     SR 4501                     SR 4501                       Thomas                         UP SD90 on Sandpatch          


All photographs and descriptions are copyright 1980-2024 by David B. Davies.  All rights are reserved.

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