Home Railroads Facility Location Frequencies
Bald Knob BNSF Bald Knob Depot 400 E Market St, east of Hickory St BNSF 161.415
UP former SP Restored 1915 Missoura Pacific Depot Lat N35° 18.4825' Lon W91° 34.1712' UP 160.410
50+ trains daily Hobby Shop, Museum
Restrooms when the hobby shop is open
Restaurants and convenience stores
Brinkley UP Central Delta Depot Museum Cypress St at New Orleans Ave UP 161.550
Unknown number of trains Restored Rock Island/Frisco Depot Lat N34° 53.248' Lon W91° 11.429'
SP Bay Window Caboose #4746
on display
Restaurant and convenience store
Fordyce UP former SSW Restored former SSW Depot Main St (St Rt 274) at First St (St Rt 8) UP 160.515
20+ trains daily Unknown facilities. Lat  N33° 48.680' Lon W92° 24.707'
Pizza Restaurant and convenience
stores nearby
Hoxie BNSF Thayer Sub Vacant lot Texas Ave (St Rt 63) at Memphis Ave BNSF 161.415
UP Hoxie Sub (northbounf Common railfan location Lat  N36° 03.121' Lon W90° 58.452' UP 160.515
directional running) No restrooms, street parking Do not cross the tracks!
Amtrak Convenience store on the corner of
30 - 40 trains daily Texas Ave and Memphis St
Mammoth Spring BNSF Thayer Sub Mammoth Spring State Park US Rt 63 between Himm Ave and BNSF 161.415
20+ trains daily 1886 Frisco Depot Museum Bronson Ave
1927 Hydro-Powerplant Lat  N36° 29.748' Lon W91° 31.988'
Multiple scenic views of the BNSF in
the park
Restrooms, picnic areas, hiking trails
Mammoth Spring BNSF Thayer Sub Many Islands Campground Many Islands Rd off CR 71 2 1/2 miles BNSF 161.415
20+ trains daily RV and Tent Camping, electric west uf US Rt 63
hookups, grocery and bait store, Lat N36° 23.306' Lon W91° 31.799'
canoe and kayak rentals Map 2
Mena KCS Multiple Scneic View Pulloffs US Rt 59 parallels KCS for all of the KCS 160.305
20+ trains daily Rich Mountain 35+ miles through the Ouachita (South of
Ouachita National Forest National Forest. Rich Mountain is the Heavener)
No restrooms summit of the crossing of the Ouachita KCS 160.350
Restaurants and convenience stores Mountains (North of
12 miles southeast in Mena Map Heavener)
Mena KCS Mena Depot Center Sherwood Ave between 7th St and KCS 160.305
20+ trains daily Mena Visitors Center Dequeen St
Restrooms during normal business Lat  N34° 34.956' Lon W94° 14.216'
Restaurants nearby
North Little UP former SP North Shore Riverwalk Riverfront Dr between Pike Ave (St Rt UP 160.515
Rock Unknown number of trains Unknown facilities 365) and I-30
View of Union Pacific and Arkansas Lat  N34° 45.323' Lon W92° 16.809'
Midland bridges crossing the
Arkansas River
Prescott UP Nevada County Depot and Museum 1st St (US Rt 67) at Pine St UP 160.515
Unknown number of trains Restrooms when museum is open Lat  N33° 48.032' Lon W93° 23.006'
Restaurants nearby
Wynne UP Helena Sub Jesse W Wallin Memorial Park Front St north of Union Ave UP 160.410
UP Memphis Sub MP Caboose 13620 on display Lat N35° 13.502' Lon W90° 47.530' UP 160.470
UP Wynne Sub Unknown facilities UP 160.515
Unknown number of trains Pizza Restaurants nearby UP 161.550