Home Railroads Facility Location Frequencies*
Bowling Green CSX Mailine Sub Michael Buchanon Park US Rt 31 4 miles south of William H CSX 161.370
20+ trains daily Restrooms, picnic area, Natcher Pkwy CSX 161.520
parking Lat  N36° 52.929' Lon W86° 31.297'
Brent CSX Cincinnati Sub Vacant Business Parking Lot St Rt 8 1/10 mile east of I-275 Overpass CSX 160.230
Amtrak Not suitable for long term train Lat  N39° 03.212' Lon W84° 25.887' CSX 161.520
Unknown number of trains watching but OK for a quick
picture with the I-275 Overpass
in the background
Burnside NS 2nd District Scenic View Pulloff US Rt 27 1/4 mile south of St Rt 90 NS 160.950
30+ trains daily View of NS Cumberland River Bridge Lat N36° 59.818' Lon W84° 36.430' NS 160.245
Restaurants and convenience stores Map 2 NS 160.830
south in Burnside
Burnside NS 2nd District Scenic View Pulloff St Rt 751 appx 3 miles south of US Rt 27 NS 160.950
30+ trains daily Daniel Boone National Forest Lat N36° 54.621' Lon W84° 33.285' NS 160.245
Overview of one of the deep cuts in Map 2 NS 160.830
the Rathole
Restaurants and convenience stores
appx 8 miles north in Burnside
Calvert City Paducah & Louisville RR Calvert City Country Club 5th Ave at Industrial Parkway P&L 160.740
Unknown number of trains Green Fees, membership Lat  N37° 01.617' Lon W88° 19.540'
not required
Campbellsburg CSX LCL Sub 1st Street Bridge 1st St at Main St (US Rt 421) CSX 161.370
Unknown number of trains Lat N38° 31.403' Lon W85° 12.165' CSX 161.520
Cave City CSX former L&N City Park Broadway at First St (St Rt 70) CSX 161.370
25+ trains daily Restrooms. Grocery Store Lat  N37° 08.285' Lon W85° 57.522' CSX 161.520
across tracks. Convenience
stores and restaurants
Many nearby Tourist Attractions
Covington CSX LCL Sub Pioneer Park St Rt 17 1 3/4 miles south of I-275 CSX 161.370
20+ trains daily Restrooms, picnic tables and exit 80 CSX 161.520
shelters, kicking trails Lat  N39° 00.446' Lon W84° 32.167'
Best view of the railroad is from
the west side of Banklick Creek
Bring lawnchairs. Trees provide
ample shade
Covington CSX Cincy Terminal Sub 11th Street Overpass 11th St between Russell St and CSX 160.230
60+ trains daily Street parking, no restrooms Madison Ave CSX 161.100
Restaurants and convenience Lat  N39° 04.710' Lon W84° 30.608'
stores nearby
Covington CSX KC Junction Bakery parking lot Russell St north of 19th St CSX 160.230
60+ trains daily No restrooms. The Bakery Lat  N39° 04.169' Lon W84° 30.515' CSX 161.100
management understands
railfans and will not bother you
unless you interfere with their
business operations
Covington CSX KC Junction 19th St Overpass 19th St between Russell St and CSX 160.230
60+ trains daily No restrooms, street parking Madison Ave CSX 161.100
Lat  N39° 04.039' Lon W84° 30.523'
Covington CSX LCL Sub Railway Museum of Greater Southern Ave at W 35th St CSX 161.370
20+ trains daily Cincinnati Lat  N39° 05.918' Lon W84° 30.351' CSX 161.520
Trains can be watched from the
north end of the museum outside
the gates.
No restrooms, street parking
Crofton CSX Henderson Sub Street parking, no restrooms US Rt 41 next to Fire Dept CSX 161.370
30-40 trains daily Address confirmation needed CSX 160.980
ATCS in use
Danville NS 1st District Main Street Overpass Main St between Lebanon Ave and NS 160.950
40+ trains daily No restrooms Harding St NS 160.245
Lat  N37° 38.766' Lon W84° 47.151' NS 160.830
Elkhorn City CSX former Clinchfield Patty Lovelace Drive Bridge Patty Loveless Dr (St Rt 80) at Lower CSX 161.100
Unknown number of trains View of small yard Branch Rd CSX 161.520
No restrooms Lat  N37° 18.329' Lon W82° 20.500'
Dairy Cheer Ice Cream on Elkhorn St
Hiking Trail connects with the Elkhorn
Railroad Museum
Elkhorn City CSX former Clinchfield Elkhorn City Railroad Museum Pine St off Elkhorn St (St Rt 80) CSX 161.100
Unknown number of trains Open area next to the museum at the Lat  N37° 18.380' Lon W82° 21.153' CSX 161.520
location where the C&O ended and
the Clinchfield started
Restrooms when the museum is open
Dairy Cheer Ice Cream stand nearby
Hiking trail connects with Patty
Loveless Drive
Erlanger NS First District Railroad Park 3319 Crescent Ave 1 block north of NS 160.950
40+ trains daily Restrooms, picnic table and US Rt 42 NS 160.245
shelter, parking Lat  N39° 01.102' Lon W84° 35.907' NS 160.830
Restored Southern Rwy Depot
now Erlanger Historical Society
Frankfort RJ Corman Street Running Broadway between Ann St and RJC 160.845 ??
Short Line Restaurants and convenience stores Wilkinson St
nearby Map
Gilbertsville Paducah & Louisville RR Kentucky Dam Key Dam Camping Rd off St Rt 282 P&L 160.740
Occasional UP run Walkway along the dam is next Lat  N37° 00.663' Lon W88° 16.424'
throughs the the tracks, separated by a
Unknown number of trains low fence
Unknown facilities
Restaurants and convenience
stores on US Rt 62 across the
Tennessee River in Grand Rivers
Glendale CSX Mainline Sub Depot Restaurant Main St (St Rt 222) at Railroad Ave CSX 161.370
20+ trains daily Located in former L&N depot Lat N37° 36.098' Lon W85° 54.306' CSX 161.520
Harrodsburg NS Louisville District Street Running Factory St between College St (US Rt 127) NS 160.950
Unknown number of trains No restrooms and Main St NS 160.245
Restaurants nearby Lat  N37° 45.891' Lon W84° 50.678' NS 160.830
Henderson CSX Henderson Sub Audubon Mill Park Water St at the end of St Rt 351 CSX 161.370
30-40 trains daily Picnic Tables, restrooms, View of the CSX Ohio River Bridge to CSX 160.980
ATCS in use parking, boat launch ramps Evansville IN
and docks Lat  N37° 50.510' Lon W87° 35.621'
High Bridge NS 1st District High Bridge Park and Pavillion Old Park Rd at end of St Rt 29 10-15 NS 160.950
30+ trains daily View of the 1125 feet long 275 feet miles south of Lexington NS 160.245
high "High Bridge", the first Cantilever Lat  N37° 49.121' Lon W84° 43.016' NS 160.830
Bridge in the US in 1877. In 1911 a
new bridge was built around the old
bridge and later widened to 2 tracks.
Horse Cave CSX former L&N City Park US Rt 31 at St Rt 218 CSX 161.370
25+ trains daily Convenience Store across Lat  N37° 10.753' Lon W85° 54.403' CSX 161.520
street, drug store and 
grocery 1 block away
La Grange CSX former L&N Street Running Main St one block south of St Rt 146 CSX 161.370
25+ trains daily Lat  N38° 24.460' Lon W85° 22.665' CSX 161.520
Louisville CSX former L&N Central Ave Overpass Central Ave between 2nd St and Floyd St CSX 161.370
30+ trains daily Wide sidewalks. Parking at Lat  N38° 12.290' Lon W85° 45.638' CSX 161.520
both ends of the overpass
Restaurants nearby
Ludlow NS First District Unnamed park St Rt 1072 (Deverill St) 1/2 mile east NS 160.950
40+ trains daily Small park with one baseball of St Rt 8 NS 160.245
field. Porta John, parking Lat  N39° 05.005' Lon W84° 33.063' NS 160.830
Madisonville CSX Henderson Sub Burger King Restaurant St Rt 281 1/2 mile west of US Rt 41 CSX 161.370
30-40 trains daily Management understands Exit #44 CSX 160.980
ATCS in use railfans. CSX Hostlers Lat  N37° 20.983' Lon W87° 29.747'
sometimes stop to eat.
Maysville CSX Cincinnati Sub Amtrak Station Front St between Clooney St and CSX 160.230
Amtrak Capronis Restaurant Rosemary Clooney St CSX 161.520
Unknown number of trains The Station and restaurant share Lat  N38° 39.100' Lon W83° 46.257'
a common parking lot. The  Stay in the parking lot. Do not cross the
restaurant has outdoor seating tracks. CSX Signal Maintainers work out of
next to the station platform. the same parking lot, but will not bother
(Upscale restaurant - no jeans) railfans as long as you railfan safely.
Don't miss the murals on the
Floodwall in Maysville!
Maysville CSX Cincinnati Sub Rotary Park Bridge St at 3rd St (US Rt 68) CSX 160.230
Amtrak Not a particularly good train Lat N38° 38.728' Lon W83° 45.587' CSX 161.520
Unknown number of trains watching location but it does
offer a view of a recently painted
deck girder bridge with the CSX
Restaurants and convenience
stores nearby
Maysville CSX Cincinnati Sub US Rt 68 Bridge US Rt 68 north of 2nd St CSX 160.230
Amtrak Restaurants and convenience Lat N38° 38.854' Lon W83° 45.674' CSX 161.520
Unknown number of trains stores nearby
Maysville TTI Herb Farm at Strodes Run 7155 Strodes Run Pike 1 1/2 miles south TTI 160.6650
Shortline Sweet Annie's Café of St Rt 9 (shown as 546 on the map) TTI 161.2650
Café has trackside seating in good Lat N38° 34.471' Lon W83° 45.475' TTI 161.4450
weather. Railfans are permitted to use 606-742-2000
the obstruction-free parking area to 606-742-9559
watch trains as long as they do not
interfere with farm business.
Melbourne CSX Cincinnati Sub Edward S Pendary Park St Rt 8 at end of Lower Eight Mile Rd CSX 160.230
Amtrak Restrooms (Porta Johns), picnic Lat  N39° 01.699' Lon W84° 20.031' CSX 161.520
Unknown number of trains area, hiking trails
View of double track signal
Midway CSX former L&N Street Running Main Street between Gratz St and Turner CSX 161.370
Unknown number of trains St CSX 161.520
Lat  N38° 09.076' Lon W84° 41.021'
Mortons Gap CSX Henderson Sub Park shelter Main St 2 blocks north of St Rt 813 CSX 161.370
30-40 trains daily A small sitting shelter Lat  N37° 14.432' Lon W87° 28.501' CSX 160.980
ATCS in use Street parking, no
Perryville NS 1st District Perryville Road Overpass Perryville Rd between Lebanon St and NS 160.950
Unknown number of trains No restrooms, street parking Maple Ave NS 160.245
Restaurants and convenience stores Lat  N37° 38.766' Lon W84° 47.151' NS 160.830
east of the overpass
Sebree CSX Henderson Sub Sebree Springs Park US Rt 41 at south edge of town CSX 161.370
30-40 trains daily Unknown facilities Lat  N37° 35.905' Lon W87° 31.935' CSX 160.980
Silver Grove CSX Cincinnati Sub Scenic View Pulloffs St Rt 8 between Four Mile Pike (St Rt 547) CSX 160.230
Amtrak Photo opportunity with the and Anderson Ln CSX 161.520
Unknown number of trains LaFarge Gypsum plant in the Lat  N39° 02.366' Lon W84° 20.163'
Vanceburg CSX Cincinnati Sub Street Running Railroad St between Harper Ave and CSX 160.230
Amtrak No restrooms Court St CSX 161.520
Unknown number of trains Restaurants and convenience Map
stores nearby
Vanceburg CSX Cincinnati Sub Vanceburg Depot Museum Railroad St at Main St CSX 160.230
Amtrak Recently restored C&O Depot Lat  N38° 36.082' Lon W83° 19.086' CSX 161.520
Unknown number of trains and Freight House
The Museum is open Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday 1:00PM to
3:00PM and by appointment on
weekends 606-796-3044 or
606-796-3190 or 606-796-2069
* Note: Mobile use of scanners is illegal unless you are a licensed Amateur Radio Operator.