Home Railroads Facility Location Frequencies
Bellevue BNSF former NP Hiking Trail SE 8th Ave off Lake Hills Connector behind BNSF 161.415
Unknown number of trains View of Wilburton Trestle Fire Station #7
No restrooms Lat  N47° 36.228' Lon W122° 10.906'
Street parking Looking at Bellevue's Trail Map, it appears
The 984 Foot long Wilburton Trestle is that a trail also parallels SE 8th Ave and
the longest trestle in the USA Lake Hills Connector in this area
Centralia BNSF Centralia Amtrak Station Railroad St at Pine St BNSF 161.250
Unknown number of trains Located in restored 1912 depot Lat N46° 43.017' Lon W122° 57.173' BNSF 161.415
Restaurants and convenience stores
1 block west on Tower Ave
Cheney BNSF former NP Fish Lake Trailhead Myers Park Rd at Cheney-Spokane Rd BNSF 161.160
BNSF former SP&S Columbia Plateau Trail Cheny Lat  N47° 31.356' Lon W117° 30.897'
40+ trains daily Trailhead State Park
Scenic views of railroad along the STAY ON THE TRAIL - BNSF Police patrols
Snake River the area and may arrest tresspassers on
Restrooms, picnic area, parking the track
The trail is paved between Fish Lake
and Cheney and is wheel-chair
Dallesport BNSF Horsethief State Park St Rt 14 1 mile east of US Rt 197 BNSF 161.250
UP across Columbia Restrooms, picnic tables, camping Lat  N45° 38.453' Lon W121° 06.231' BNSF 161.415
River Parking fee required BNSF 161.100
50+ trains daily UP 160.515
Dallesport UP across Columbia Scenic View Pulloff Lewis and Clerk Hwy (St Rt 14) 2 1/4 miles UP 160.515
River View of UP across the river with Mount west of US Rt 197
Unknown number of trains Hood in the background for photos Lat  N45° 39.946' Lon W121° 12.286'
No restrooms
(View of BNSF obscurred)
Dryden BNSF Scenic Sub Main Street Bridge Main St at Alice Ave of US Rt 2 BNSF 161.250
Unknown number of trains View of BNSF Wenatchee River Bridge Lat  N47° 32.625' Lon W120° 33.852' BNSF 161.100
No restrooms BNSF 161.160
Easton BNSF Stampede Sup Lake Easton State Park Lake Easton Rd at I-90 Exit #70 BNSF 161.100
Unknown number of trains View of trains along the shore of Lake Lat  N47° 14.523' Lon W121° 11.304' BNSF 161.250
Restrooms, picnic areas, trails, tent
and RV camping
Convenience and camping stores at
I-90 Exit #70
Edmonds BNSF Amtrak Station Railroad St between Main St (St Rt 104) and BNSF 161.415
Amtrak Brackets Landing Park Dayton St
Unknown number of trains Restrooms and parking at the station Lat  N47° 48.677' Lon W122° 23.051'
and park
Ferry to Olympic Penninsula at end of
Main Street in the park
Restaurants within walking distance
Enumclaw BNSF Stampede Sub Mount Baker Snoqualmie National Forest Service Road 5400 BNSF 161.100
Unknown number of trains Forest Lat  N47° 15.706' Lon W121° 22.773' BNSF 161.250
Camping above Tunnel #4 Map 2
Pass Required High ground clearance vehicle recommended
Everett BNSF Howarth Park 1127 Olympic Blvd north of Mukilteo Blvd BNSF 161.100
Unknown number of trains Restrooms, picnic area 2 1/2 miles west of Rucker Ave
Multiple scenic views along the Lat  N47° 57.840' Lon W122° 14.384'
coast of Possession Sound
Everett BNSF Forest Park 802 E Mukilteo Blvd 1/2 mile west of BNSF 161.100
Unknown number of trains Restrooms, picnic area Rucker Ave
Multiple scenic views along the Lat  N47° 58.229' Lon W122° 13.749'
coast of Possession Sound
Kalama BNSF Fallbridge Sub Louis Rasmussen RV Park Hendrickson Dr 1 1/2 mile south of Oak St BNSF 161.250
25+ trains daily Marine Park at I-5 Exit #30 BNSF 161.415
Restrooms, picnic areas, hiking trails Lat N46° 0.196' Lon W122° 50.760'
RV Camping with full hookups and
Lyle BNSF Fallbridge Sub Lyle State Route 14 Rest Area Lewis and Clerk Hwy (St Rt 14) BNSF 161.250
25+ trains daily Overview of BNSF tunnels to the east 1 1/2 miles west of Lyle BNSF 161.415
and west, and UP across the river. Lat N45° 42.349' Lon W121° 19.455'
Restrooms, picnic area, hiking trails
Lyle BNSF Fallbridge Sub Parking lot - common railfan location Lewis and Clerk Hwy (St Rt 14) at Depot Rd BNSF 161.250
25+ trains daily View of BNSF Klickitat River Bridge Lat  N45° 41.762' Lon W121° 17.464' BNSF 161.415
Restrooms in nearby gas station
Lyle BNSF Fallbridge Sub 7th Street Bridge 7th St 2 blocks south of St Rt 14 BNSF 161.250
25+ trains daily View of former Lyle Yard and tunnel Lat  N45° 41.460' Lon W121° 17.046' BNSF 161.415
to the east
Restrooms in nearby gas station
Marshall BNSF former NP Hiking Trail on former Milwaukee Scribner Rd at Cheney-Spokane Rd 5 miles BNSF 161.160
BNSF former SP&S Right of Way southwest of US Rt 195
40+ trains daily No restrooms Lat  N47° 33.343' Lon W117° 29.986'
Convenience store at US Rt 195 STAY ON THE TRAIL - BNSF Police patrols
and Cheney-Spokane Rd the area and may arrest tresspassers on
the track
Maryhill BNSF John Day Dam Park St Rt 14 4 miles east of US Rt 97 BNSF 161.250
UP across Columbia Unknown facilities Lat  N45° 43.146' Lon W120° 41.808' BNSF 161.415
River Free camping at Maryhill Park 4 miles BNSF 161.100
50+ trains daily west at US Rt 97 UP 160.515
Merritt BNSF former GN Nason Creek Rest Area US Rt 2 east of Merritt BNSF 161.250
20+ trains daily Restrooms, picnic area Scenic view of railroad climbing to Stevens BNSF 161.100
Pass BNSF 161.160
Lat  N47° 46.004' Lon W120° 47.806'
North Bonneville BNSF Beacon Rock State Park 1 mile west of North Bonneville on St Rt 14 BNSF 161.250
UP across Columbia Hike to the top of Beacon Rock for a Lat  N45° 37.466' Lon W122° 01.298' BNSF 161.415
River scenic view of the BNSF Wishram Sub BNSF 161.100
50+ trains daily Restrooms, picnic tables and shelters UP 160.515
(2 shelters with kitchens and
Parking fee required
North Bonneville BNSF Bonneville Dam 3 miles west of "Bridge of the Gods" at BNSF 161.250
UP across Columbia Restrooms at Visitor's Center Cascade Locks BNSF 161.415
River Hiking trail circles over the top of Need confirmation of access from St Rt 14 BNSF 161.100
50+ trains daily Tunnel 1.5. Restrooms at trailhead UP 160.515
Northwest Forest Service Parking
Pass required
Perry UP Spokane Sub Lyons Ferry State Park Lyons Ferry Park Rd off St Rt 261 UP 160.740
Unknown number of trains View of 3920 foot long Joso Trestle Lat  N46° 35.689' Lon W118° 13.627'
Restrooms, picnic areas, hiking trails Map 2
Renton BNSF Woodenville Sub Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park Lake Washington Blvd north of Houser Way BNSF 161.415
Unknown number of trains Restrooms, picnic area, hiking trails Lat  N47° 30.418' Lon W122° 12.121'
Scenic view of BNSF along the shore of
Lake Washington
Renton BNSF Woodenville Sub Street Running Houser Way at Main Ave BNSF 161.415
Unknown number of trains Restaurants nearby Lat N47° 28.785' Lon W122° 12.203'
Richmond Beach BNSF Richmond Beach Park NW 190th St at 20th Ave NW BNSF 161.415
Amtrak Restrooms, picnic area, parking Lat  N47° 45.931' W122° 23.103'
Unknown number of trains Scenic view of trains running along the
beach of Puget Sound.
Shipwreck Steamship Utopia just
north of the park for diving enthusiasts
Seattle BNSF Myrtle Edwards & Elliott Bay Parks Alaskan Way 1/4 mile north of Wall St (Rt 99) BNSF 161.415
Amtrak Restrooms, picnic area, hiking trails, Lat  N47° 37.036' Lon W122° 21.482'
Unknown number of trains beach
View of Port of Seattle Breakbulk
Piers 90 and 91 (telephoto shot)
Restaurants and stores south of park
on Pier 70
Seattle BNSF Hiking Trail Dead end of 20th Ave W 1/4 mile south of BNSF 161.415
Amtrak View of west side of BNSF Balmer W Dravus St BNSF 160.650
Unknown number of trains Yard including the hump. The trail Lat  N47° 38.537' Lon W122° 22.933' BNSF 161.310
parallels the west side of the yard for
most of it's length. A chain link fence
separates the trail from the yard.
No restrooms. Street parking
Restarurants nearby
Seattle BNSF Hiram Chittenden Locks NW 54th St 1/10 mile south of NE Market St BNSF 161.415
Amtrak View of BNSF Lift Bridge crossing the Lat  N47° 39.956' Lon W122° 23.855' Marine 156.650
Unknown number of trains Lake Washington Shipping Channel
from the Visitors Center
Restaurants nearby
Several historical interest sites are
located near the Locks.
Sea Lions and Harbor Seals are seen
is this area August trhoug May
Seattle BNSF Golden Gardens Park West end of NW 85th St at 32nd Ave NW BNSF 161.415
Amtrak Restrooms, picnic area with fire pits, Lat  N47° 41.502' Lon W122° 24.136'
Unknown number of trains hiking trails.
Scenic view of BNSF running along
the beach of Puget Sound
Seattle BNSF Fort Dent Park Interurban Ave S 1/2 mile north of SW Grady BNSF 161.415
UP Restrooms, picnic area, baseball and Way at I-405 Exit #1 UP 160.515
Amtrak soccer fields Lat  N47° 28.192' Lon W122° 14.985'
Unknown number of trains
Spokane BNSF former GN Indian Canyon Park Indian Canyon Rd west of W Greenwood Rd BNSF 161.250
40+ trains daily Unknown Facilities Lat  N47° 39.298' Lon W117° 28.177' BNSF 161.100
Lahtah Creek Wye Bridge 1 mile east BNSF 161.160
Spokane BNSF former GN Lindeke Street Overpass Lindeke St between 9th Ave and 13th Ave BNSF 161.250
UP Trackage Rights View of Latah Creek Wye Trestle Lat  N47° 38.772' Lon W117° 27.198' BNSF 161.100
25+ trains daily No restrooms BNSF 161.160
Restaurants and convenience stores
Spokane BNSF former GN Bridge Unnamed County Road off Marshall Cheney Rd BNSF 161.250
UP Trackage Rights No restrooms, street parking 1 1/2 miles south of US Rt 195 and Thorpe Rd BNSF 161.100
25+ trains daily Lat N47° 36.6319' Lon W117° 26.5845' BNSF 161.160
Tacoma BNSF Tacoma Amtrak Station Puyallip Ave at J St
Amtrak View of BNSF Yard Lat  N47° 14.501' Lon W122° 25.225' BNSF 161.415
Sounder Restrooms in the station Stay on the station platforms or parking area.
Unknown number of trains Restaurants and convenience stores Station management will not bother railfans
nearby as long as they do not interfere with station's
normal business.
Toppenish BNSF Stampede Sub Northern Pacific Railway Museum Asotin Ave at 1st St BNSF 161.100
Unknown number of trains located in restored former NP Depot Lat  N46° 22.516' Lon W120° 18.343' BNSF 161.250
Restrooms when museum is open Map 2
Benches on fenced (low fence)
Restaurants nearby
Vancouver BNSF Seattle Sub Vancouver Amtrak Station 1301 W 11th St at Lincoln Ave 4 blocks south BNSF 161.250
UP Restroom in the station, parking lots of St Rt 501 BNSF 161.100
Amtrak Restaurants nearby Lat  N45° 37.777' Lon W122° 41.051' UP 160.515
Unknown number of trains Station management is aware that Stay on the platforms or in the parking lot. Do
railfans use the station to watch trains not cross the tracks.
Vancouver BNSF Seattle Sub Waterfront Park SE Columbia Way at I-5 Exit #1B BNSF 161.250
40+ trains daily No restrooms (?) Lat  N45° 37.271' Lon W122° 40.194'
Starting point of the Columbia River
Trail that runs along the river to
Wintler Park paralleling the BNSF
tracks for part of the 4 mile long trail
This park also offers a view of planes
arriving and departing Pearson Airport
and is commonly used by both plane
spotters and railfans
Vancouver BNSF Seattle Sub Wintler Park Beach Dr at SE Columbia Way off Lewis and BNSF 161.250
40+ trains daily Restrooms, picnic areas, parking Clark Hwy (St Rt 14) Exit #3
Lat  N45° 36.649' Lon W122° 36.294'
Vancouver BNSF Seattle Sub Mill Plain Boulevard Overpass Mill Plain Blvd (St Rt 581) west of Lincoln Ave BNSF 161.250
40+ trains daily Plaza at east end of the bridge with Lat  N45° 37.991' Lon W122° 41.164' BNSF 160.575
view of trains entering or leaving the
BNSF yard from the south
No restrooms, street parking
Restaurants 12 blocks east
Washougal BNSF Fallbridge Sub Cape Horn Overlook Cape Horn Rd off St Rt 14 appx 8 miles BNSF 161.250
25+ trains daily View of BNSF tracks far below east of Washougal WA BNSF 161.415
No restrooms, limited parking Lat  N45° 34.557' Lon W122° 11.453'
A park is proposed for this area by
the Lewis and Clark Landscapes
Wishram BNSF Fallbridge Sub New park next to the Amtrak Station Railroad Ave at Celilo St BNSF 161.250
25+ trains daily GN 4-8-2 #2507 on display Lat  N45° 39.539' Lon W120° 57.760' BNSF 161.415
No restrooms
Wishram BNSF Fallbridge Sub Avery Recreation Area Avery Rd off Lewis and Clark Hwy (St Rt 14) BNSF 161.250
25+ trains daily Overlook of the Columbia River Gorge 3 miles west of Wishram WA BNSF 161.415
Restrooms (Porta Johns), camping Lat  N45° 39.779' Lon W121° 02.211'