Iowa Home
Base Mobile Railroad Location Use Notes
161.1000 BNSF Road
161.1300 BNSF MofW
161.2500 BNSF Des Moines Yard
161.1900 CN Road former IC
160.9200 CD Cedar Falls Yard
161.2200 IAIS Dispatcher
161.3850 Iowa Northern
161.04 UP Dispatcher East of Fairfax
160.8900 UP Dispatcher West of Fairfax
160.4550 UP MofW
161.0400 UP Dispatcher Spine Line South of Short Line
160.8450 UP Dispatcher Spine Line North of Short Line
161.1750 UP Branch Dispatcher
160.5750 UP Des Moines Yard
161.5500 UP Des Moines Yard
160.3200 UP Des Moines Yard
160.4400 UP Des Moines Yard