A SMS Baldwin awaits its next assignment in Morrisville. |
At Morrisville Yard was NS GP38-2 5312 in the "horse
head" paint. |
Southern Secondary veteran CSX GP15-1 1537 was
assigned to the Conrail Shared Assets job out of Morrisville. |
Also in Morrisville Yard was NS GP38-2 5281, still
in its Conrail Quality paint. |
A surprise visitor to Morrisville Yard was Amtrak
MP15DC 535. |
CSX Q409 rolls through Fairmount Park with CSX
SD60I 8750. |
The second engine was CSX 8-40CW 7873. |
CSX L176 was the next train with CW60AC 607 leading. |
The second engine was D9-40CW 9032. |
Photo of CSX 8-40CW 7677, the third and final engine. |
NS coal train 502 starts to accelerate after stopping
for the two previous CSX trains. NS D9-40CW 9858, still in primer
paint, was the lead unit. |
BNSF 9896 was the middle unit. |
The final unit was NS 8-40CW 8448, still in its
Conrail paint. |
The final train for the morning was NS 39G with
D9-40C 8810 leading. |