I recently saw a bulkhead flat car similiar to the model pictured at right riding the rails of the Sierra Railroad Company. These cars can carry anything from short and long logs to telephone poles to pipe loads. I started with a Roundhouse bulkhead flat car that has been riding the CSRR for a few years and sent it into the shop. After laying out the holes for the mounting lugs of the Details West 'Pacific Car & Foundry' Log Bunks (part # DW-171, pkg 4 bunks) I used my pinvise to drill out the holes and checked the fit of each bunk. Some bunks required a little touch up with a file to the bottom of the bunk. I then attached the bunks using a drop of CA applied to the mounting lugs. I brush painted the bunks to match the color of the car and did not weather the bunks as I wanted to make the car look as if it just rolled out of the car shop. This was such an easy modification to perform and you end up with a unique car in your fleet.







I finally got around to painting this Jordan Spreader. I kitbashed this car some 10 years ago using a MDC/Roundhouse kit. I added hydraulic cylinders from a toy bulldozer and an engine/pump assembly using a casting from another kit combined with bits of styrene and wire insulation. The roof is removable and the cab has some simple details to simulate the controls the spreader operator would use. These were fashioned out of scrap styrene and painted. Now the MOW crews have something to maintain the roadbed with along with occasional snow duty at Woodfords.



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