Home Railroads Facility Location Frequencies
Belton BNSF former GN Johnson's Curve Unpaved road near end of Belton Stage Rd BNSF 160.920
Amtrak Scenic location of many Great Northern west of US Rt 2
25+ trains daily Promotional Photos Lat  N48° 28.303' Lon W114° 00.969'
No restrooms High ground clearance vehicle
Restaurants and convenience store on recommended
Old Rt 2 1/2 mile south of Belton
Stage Rd
Bozeman MRL 2nd Sub Bozeman Trail/Fort Ellis Historical Marker Pulloff Frontage Rd 1 3/4 miles east of I-90 Exit 309 MRL 160.355
Unknown number of trains Scenic view with mountains in background and Lat N45° 40.1205' Lon W110° 58.5221'
you can frame the picture with the trail marker
Restaurants and convenience stores
are 2 miles west
Browning BNSF former GN Lewis & Clark Camp Disappointment Monument Location Confirmation Needed BNSF 160.920
Amtrak Scenic photo location with the monument in Map
25+ trains daily the foreground and the mountains at Glacier
National Park in the background
East Glacier BNSF former GN Multiple locations in Glacier Glacier National Park BNSF 160.920
Essex Amtrak National Park are accessible from Possible Admission and parking
Pinnacle 25+ trains daily St Rt 2. fees at some National Park
West Glacier locations.
Cut Bank BNSF former GN Cut Bank Trestle Lewis and Clark Trail (US Rt 2) between BNSF 160.920
Amtrak McDonalds and Pizza Hut Restaurants 1st St and Main St
25+ trains daily both have a clear view of the trestle Lat  N48° 38.365' Lon W112° 20.390'
2nd and 3rd floot rooms in the Super 8
Motel have a view of the trestle
East Glacier BNSF former GN Two Medicine Bridge Forest Service Road off end of Midvale St BNSF 160.920
Amtrak High trestle crossing Two Medicine east of Park Dr (St Rt 49)
25+ trains daily River Lat  N48° 27.263' Lon W113° 12.609'
No restrooms
East Glacier BNSF former GN Midvale Creek Trestle US Rt 2 between Park Dr (St Rt 42) and BNSF 160.920
Amtrak No restrooms Trestle Trail.
25+ trains daily Lat  N48° 26.378' Lon W113° 13.173'
Essex BNSF former GN Izaak Walton Inn Izaak Walton Rd at US Rt 2 BNSF 160.920
Amtrak Rooms with view of tracks Lat  N48° 16.824' Lon W113° 36.631'
25+ trains daily Caboose Cabins
Pedestrian Overpass
Great Falls BNSF former GN Rivers Edge Trail Multiple access points BNSF 161.160
Amtrak View of BNSF bridge crossing Map
25+ trains daily the Missouri River
The trail runs over 13 miles from Don't miss the former MILW depot (now
Giant Springs State Park south a privately owned business) on Central
to Broadwater Ave at the Missouri River
No restrooms, street parking
Restaurants and convenience
stores nearby
A Railroad Museum is to be started at
the Montana Expo Park in Great Falls.
Unknown if this is close to the railroad.
More details will be posted when they
are available.
Havre BNSF former GN 7th Avenue Bridge 7th Ave between Main St and 1st St N BNSF 161.100
Amtrak View of yard and diesel shop Lat N48° 33.262' Lon W109° 40.305'
25+ trains daily GN 2584 4-8-4 Steam Locomotive on
display at the Amtrak Station
Restaurants on US Rt 2
Libby BNSF former NP Big Bend RV Park State Rt 37 13 miles east of Libby BNSF 161.160
Tent and RV camping Map
View of BNSF across the Kootenai River Location Confirmation Needed
Livingston MRL former NP Depot Rotary Park Park St (US Rt 89) at 2nd St 1 1/2 miles MRL 160.395
Unknown number of trains Livingston Depot Center north of I-90 Exit #333
Park next to museum in former NP Lat N45° 39.703' Lon W110° 33.768'
Restaurants nearby
Lothrop MRL former NP 4th District South Side Road and Bible Road parallel Bible Ln west of Petty Creek Rd MRL 160.395
Unknown number of trains the MRL with a clear view South Side Rd east of Petty Creek Rd
Note: Bible Ln apears to become a private at I-90 Exit 77
road appx 1 1/4 miles west of Petty Creek Lat N46° 59.4301' Lon W114° 26.8082'
Road. I have not been able to confirm or
deny this.
Missoula MRL former NP 4th District Park located next to former Northern Railroad St at Higgina Ave MRL 160.395
Unknown number of trains Pacific Depot Lat N46° 52.517' Lon W113° 59.520'
Restaurants and convenience stores
Missoula MRL former NP 4th District East Broadway Street parallels the MRL for appx E Broadway St between N Old Van Buren St MRL 160.395
Unknown number of trains 1 1/2 miles with multiple places to pull off with and N Easy St
a clear view of the tracks Lat N46° 51.7747' Lon W113° 57.7888'
Restaurants and convenience stores
Missoula MRL former NP 4th District Pedestrian Overpass Between Railroad St W at Owen St and MRL 160.395
Unknown number of trains View of the east end of the MRL yard N 1st St W at Grand Ave
Street Parking Lat N46° 52.6884' Lon W113° 59.8133'
Restaurants and convenience stores
Missoula MRL former NP 10th District Pulloff US Rt 93 3 3/4 miles north or I-90 Ext 96 MRL 160.395
Unknown number of trains View of MRL Marrant Trestle Lat N47° 0.2092' Lon W114° 7.3868'
Space for just one car
Stay on the road - the trestle is on private
Noxon MRL former NP Kaniksu National Forest Railroad Rd 3 miles north of Klakken Rd MRL 160.950
Unknown number of trains View of MRL 8-span Deck off Sr Rt 200
Girder Bridge crossing the Lat  N48° 01.245' Lon W115° 50.407'
Clark Fork River
Paradise MRL former NP Park and Playground Railroad Ave MRL 160.950
Unknown number of trains located next to former NP Depot Lat  N47° 23.440' Lon W114° 48.264'
Unknown facilities
Paradise to MRL former NP Lolo National Forest St Rt 135 between I-90 Exit #33 and St MRL 160.950
St Regis Unknown number of trains Multiple Scenic Views of MRL Rt 200
following the Clark Fork River Overview Map
Forest Service Pass may be Map 2
required to access some areas
Pompey's Pillar BNSF former NP Pompey's Pillar Visitor's Center 2nd St at Cane St off Custer Frontage BNSF 161.160
Unknown number of trains Scenic view of BNSF with appx 2 1/2 miles east of I-94 Exit #23
Pompey's Pillar National Monument Lat N45° 59.481' Lon W107° 57.122'
in the background
Skyline MRL former NP Helena National Forest Austin Mullan Pass Rd (Forest Service Rd MRL 160.950
Unknown number of trains View of curved Skyline Trestle 1805) appx 9 miles west of Birdseye Rd
An overhead view of the trestle in Helena MT
can be had with a long hike Lat  N46° 38.809'Lon W112° 18.058'
on established trails Map 2
Mullan Pass is appx 3/4 mile Stay off the tracks. Forest Service Rangers
west of the trestle patrol the area between the trestle and
No restrooms Mullan Pass and will arrest you for trespassing
Summit BNSF former GN Restaurant in former GN Depot US Rt 2 BNSF 160.920
Amtrak Lat N48° 19.162' Lon W113° 21.206'
25+ trains daily Confirmation Needed
Troy BNSF former GN Kootenai Falls County Park US Rt 2 15 miles west of Libby MT, 8 to BNSF 161.280
Amtrak Scenic view of railroad at the 10 miles east of Troy
25+ trains daily Kootenai River Lat  N48° 27.190' Lon W115° 45.890'
Restrooms, picnic area, hiking
trails, swinging pedestrian Quote from Trainorders.com with
bridge crossing the river. directions to the viewing area for the tracks
Other viewing areas may exist in the
Kootenai National Forest area. Please
let me know of any you find so that I can
document them.
Whitefish BNSF former GN Stumptown Historical Society 500 Depot St between Kalispell Ave BNSF 161.250
Amtrak Museum/Passenger Depot and Central Ave. BNSF 160.425
25+ trains daily Park next to the depot Lat  N48° 24.814' Lon W114° 20.082' BNSF 160.620
Picnic tables BNSF 160.665
Restrooms in the depot when Restored GN NW3 on display at depot BNSF 161.130
open. Stoltz Lumber Co Shay #1 on display in BNSF 161.490
Nearby bridge on Wisconsin Ave Columbia Falls Town Park 8 miles east
provides overview of Whitefish
Several restaurants and 
convenience stores nearby.
Skiing and many other tourist
attractions nearby.