3751 to SB Station

Home Up Out on the Rails Modeling Projects RxR Radio

The 3751 traveled to the Jun 13, 2004 ceremony for the dedication of the refurbished San Bernardino Station on June 12, 2004.  It departed the Redondo Roundhouse at 8:20 am on June 12 and returned June 13 at 5:15pm.

Here are some shots a 9:12 am as it passes by the Claremont Station:

3751Claremont1.JPG (83724 bytes)  3751Claremont3.JPG (61061 bytes)  3751Claremont2.JPG (63095 bytes)

Here it comes hi-balling eastbound....Whooooooosssssssshhhh

3751Claremont4.JPG (75581 bytes)  3751Claremont5.JPG (73043 bytes)  3751Claremont6.JPG (42279 bytes)

And the return trip westbound, albeit, a little slower.

Here's some links to 3751 photos by rail-fan and photographer Santiago Homsi Jr.

Doing about 60+ in Rancho Cucamonga,
Front shot at San Bernardino Depot, Profile with depot in background
In Cab Shot# 1, In Cab Shot#2, In Cab Shot#3