Home Out on the Rails Modeling Projects RxR Radio

    rrxing.gif (5872 bytes)Welcome to our Web site!   

As implied by this web site's title, our interest in trains goes down multiple paths; getting out on the rails to do some serious train watching & picture taking, modeling projects and finally broadcasting the Los Angeles Basin/Inland Empire internet railroad radio stream.  We are also members of the Southern California Garden Railway Society.   


Change Log
Out on the Rails 1/24/09
Modeling Projects 6/15/09
 Los Angeles Basin/Inland Empire Railroad Radio

for direct access: Winamp RealoneW/media player


Your comments and suggestions are welcomed, just drop a line to the Station Masters. maculsay/trains2see - copyright © 1999,2000 - 2009
Last update: 07/31/09   Track Laid by:  Howard & Gail Maculsay