UP's E9 Western Tours

Home Up Out on the Rails Modeling Projects RxR Radio

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Union Pacific's E9, #951 at the old Martinez Spur, charging up toward Cajon summit after Departing Barstow.  bottom-- E9 at Devore Road on its way to San Bernardino.

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Above-left: Union Pacific's E9, #951 enters the upper Pass on the Palmdale Cutoff while UP 9270 intermodal waits at the Silverwood Connector on the BNSF track.  Above-middle and right:  The E9 enters the Silverwood Connector and proceeds past the UP 9270 crossing over to BNSF trackage.

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Above:  The City of San Francisco and Missouri River Eagle dome cars with the Fox River bringing up the rear exiting the connector and off to the Cajon Summit.