These are some recent pictures taken of the layout. A lot of progress has been made on the layout over the last year. Some of the pictures are linked to earlier pictures to show progress. The mill in Woodfords, the Co-Gen plant in Martell and the diesel shop at Indian Hill by far have had the most attention. The mill site alone is the largest area. It is the eastern terminus of the railroad and is a hub of activity during operating sessions. The Co-Gen plant has the largest single structure (the main mill building in Wordfords is a close rival). The Co-Gen plant is also a busy place during operating sessions handling woodchip cars, tankcars and an occasional boxcar, gondola or flatcar. The in plant switcher typically handles the chore of swapping the woodchip cars. After much prodding from the engine crews, the CSRR now has a new diesel shop and fuel pad with sanding tower for the engine crews to tie down their engines after their shift. The new facility can fuel up to three locomotives at any one time. The shop building can hold two locomotives under cover and the shop lead has been extended to store a total of four locomotives during light maintenance and inspections. There is plans to expand the trackage near the diesel shop to provide for caboose storage. The yard switcher will have it's own fuel pad constructed at that time. Cal-West Aggragates has expanded it's operation to provide a consistant supply of ballast, rip-rap and other mineral products to the CSRR. The CSRR uses Cal-West materials for maintenance on it's own line. Cal-West has ballast contracts with Southern Pacific and the Santa Fe.